Who can play SOGO?
Anyone who plays golf can play SOGO.
All you need is an official handicap and the SOGO App on your smart phone. Membership and a handicap can be attained through SOGO.
What do I get for my membership?
A SOGO starter membership will get you a GolfLink member number, access to the GolfLink Mobile App and website and access to the SOGO competition.
A SOGO golfer membership will get you access to the GolfLink Mobile App and website and access to the SOGO competition.
If I am an existing golf club member can I get my handicap through SOGO instead?
No. In keeping with our commitment to support existing golf clubs, golfers who have or have had a GolfLink handicap through a golf club within the last 2 years may not gain a handicap through SOGO.
Where and when can I play?
You can play a SOGO round any time with a playing partner who has a registered handicap.
SOGO can be played on any course that has a recognised Golf Australia slope rating and is registered on Golf Australia's Database.
What do I need to do to play?
If you have a current membership and GolfLink handicap, you can simply download the App for free on the Apple App Store. Then purchase your first pack of SOGO tokens, find a buddy and go SOGO.
If you do not have a current membership and Golf link handicap, you can download the App and register on the website to become a member. This membership will include your first block of SOGO rounds. Then find a buddy and go SOGO.
What structured competitions will exist with SOGO?
Your round will count towards the following competitions, as well as any live SOGO knockout rounds you are currently competing in:
- A daily national competition
- A monthly state competition that provides prizes
- The 4 annual SOGO majors that will be held to coincide with the 4 actual major championships
- The national finals series where the best golfers from around Australia compete at a set event
What will be the format of the national finals series?
The final competition will be held each year in a central location with 88 golfers battling it out over 2 days across 6 x 9-hole sections. Finalists will be competing for fantastic prizes as well as the chance to be crowned the inaugural SOGO National Champion.
Will there be prizes?
Yes there will be a great range of regular prizes in all member categories. SOGO will provide daily, monthly and annual prizes based on performances throughout the year.
Are there specific SOGO rules?
SOGO will be played generally under a stableford scoring system, adhering to the Rules of Golf. For full details check out the SOGO Rules of Play.
How will scoring be monitored?
A round can be activated once a golfer is at the golf course, and a verifying partner has been selected.
Your score will need to be verified by a playing partner who also has a GolfLink number, just like a normal competition round.
Future versions will allow your score to be verified and uploaded to GolfLink via SOGO.
Get your handicap
Grab an early national GolfLink handicap so you are ready to start playing SOGO!
download app now
SOGO Golf has released both the iOS and Android version of the App on the App Stores.
Clubs and groups
SOGO will support Golf Clubs and Social groups in providing amazing competition experiences for their members.